Saint André Triple Crème

Saint André is a creamy triple cream cow’s milk cheese. Buttery to the extreme, it is a delightful cheese as it is, to bring texture to your salads or to eat with something sweet for dessert.

Saint André is a creamy triple crème cow’s milk cheese, made with the best creams of Normandy, picked by expert cheese makers. Buttery to the extreme, it is a delightful cheese as it is, to bring texture to your salads or to eat with something sweet for dessert.
What makes Saint André so creamy and what is a triple cream cheese?

Saint André, buttery, rich, triple crème

According to the amount of butterfat in the dry matter, cheeses can have appellations such as double crème (double cream) and triple crème (triple cream). Double crème requires a dry matter butterfat content of 60%, and triple crème, 70%. Saint André easily meets the requirement to take its place among the smooth, heavenly triple crème cheeses. Saint Andre is a refined cheese that will satisfy a gourmet palate, as milky as cream, as delightful as a cake.

What to pair Saint André with?

Saint André is a unique cheese and makes for unique pairings. Its buttery texture goes well in your salads and sauces but will overpower most of the white wines that cheese lovers usually enjoy with cheese. It’s better appreciated with a light beer and savoury crackers, the salt and acidity making a good complement to the rich and creamy taste. Raspberries and pears are also a good fit if you’re looking for a fruity pairing.


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